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Letter Central

Hey put your ideas in the mail, and I'll check them out for this site.
I am more than happy to include all the info I can so mail me bands, tours, or any musical info.

What I love about the web is the opportunity to share my thoughts with others. But I also like to hear what others think and to exchange ideas.

On this page, I'll share some of the comments I've received in my guestbook and via e-mail. Where appropriate, I'll include a link to the original article, review, or interview that provoked the comment. In some cases, I also may respond to the comments. The comments and mail from this page will be from the guest book I have on the
Main page The SSKP Page - go on back and feel free to write some mail down - Thanks!

---The SSKP Page - The Real Deal on Life, Love & Happiness ---