*****The Pentacle Circle*****
New Page Title

Greenery is from the gods......   :)

*****Welcome to THE PENTACLE CIRCLE*****


Humans are all Created Equal on this planet

This site will be on
-Higher Power meditations,
-The Akasha and prana Sagas.
-The White wolf and the White Panther prayers.
-The Five Points To the Pentacle
And Much more to come

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Green button to Deep Mists

This is the link to my New Site DEEP MISTS
--All the Myths, Legends, and Truths about Merlyn, his wonderous apprentice King Aurther, and the maham that came with the territory.

I'll mainly use this site to post lots of Information on New and interesting Pagen and Wiccan developments. I'll try to pick out the most intruigiung ones, but no guarantees!

I'm also going to use this web site to express myself. I'll have a page with my opinions on current events, and another page where I'll put reviews on Tarot readers, as well as offer a conference so I can give you readings for free.
Any books I read, will be posted if containing inportant information.

CIick and go to Mother Nature's Children

Never let your light get out of control, or it'll burneverything you have stored

***** This is Arturo, the happy dog that leads you around & back to mother nautures children..... *****

Lazurus Music Zine

<--------This Is Lazurus Music Zine - Feel free to download music, and Read New and Hot bands coming out of the woodworks - my own personal bands, and hot interviews with Underground recording artists and engineers.

Penticle Circle

The Five points in a pentacle sybolize the balance between spirit and earthly elements.
The top of the star is always the Spirit.
Then following in a star pattern from the top put fire at the top left point, water a the bottom right, air at the top right, and earth at the bottom left. and there you have the balance, as well as the shape of a human body.

The pentacle is a protection agent, against negative energies from seeping into your ora stream.
Wear one or two for extra safety in this demonic society, It does help in keeping your intuition fined tuned.


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Meow Meow Meow, Remember your Pets know what's going on,
SO never disrespect them by calling them dumb animals, that's when they pee on all your stuff, if you are wondering why? (smile)

Meow Man, hey.. I need a sauser of milk and a warm fuzzy blanket to curl up in........

AS I always say go give your familiar a great big hug - They can't tell you in english that they need some loving hugs, so just get up and give them one!

Wassen has caught up with us on this trip I see....

Singer - Johnny Coleman & guitarist Dave Mackie from Momma Cat - Go to Lazurus and find their Demo

Artist Search
Video Search

i'll be updating daily - So return to the main pages and leave your opinion of what you think.
Enjoythe rest of this 20 page site!
Sprits Sunrise Keeps Peace

Drop a Letter or two in the Guestbook, I'd be glad to hear some feedback on your ideas, and visions.
Or leave a question about reading Tarot, and how you can get a reading.